Wrekin training run with logs 18/12/09

Hadn't been up the Wrekin for a while so thought I would give it a blast .
Parked in Wellington car park and ran up the path on the east side as usual . 18 mins to the top . Not my fastest time but OK . When I was running down the opposite side I found a decent sized log at the side of the path . I thought it would be good to vary the training so put it on my shoulders and tried to run down with it . Run , hobbled and walked to the opposite side to which I started , dumped the log by the road for later retrieval , then ran back round the side of the Wrekin eyeing up future possible logs for exercise .
OK , it's a fair cop . I am really thinking of fuel for my wood burner . I recon , so long as I only pinch the stuff that's obviously been discarded some time ago and isn't the stuff the forestry commission are currently chopping down I can be conscience free . Can't I ? There is also a limit to how much I can carry (shame I can't get my truck in there I could really do some pilfering).
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